2024-12-24 04:05:54 UTC
Star Trek Discovery was officially erased from canon this week in what
amounts to a Christmas miracle thanks to the series finale of Star Trek:
Lower Decks! What happened? How can this be official? Here's the scoop
folks! Here's what Santa left under the Christmas tree for Star Trek fans
EVERYWHERE! And, incidentally, I said all along that STD wasn't Star
Trek...looks like once again, Doomcock Was Right! #startrek #paramount
Let's go Brandon!
amounts to a Christmas miracle thanks to the series finale of Star Trek:
Lower Decks! What happened? How can this be official? Here's the scoop
folks! Here's what Santa left under the Christmas tree for Star Trek fans
EVERYWHERE! And, incidentally, I said all along that STD wasn't Star
Trek...looks like once again, Doomcock Was Right! #startrek #paramount
Let's go Brandon!