2024-11-21 16:09:39 UTC
I had a very emotional reaction to seeing Captain Kirk again yesterday, in a
short film that puts all of Paramount's modern NuTrek to shame called "765874
Unification". Aside from Star Trek Continues, this is the first real Star
Trek we've seen in a long time, made with respect and love, saluting
Roddenberry's legacy instead of trying to destroy it. In this video, I try
to convey what seeing this meant to me without breaking down...(NOTE: Please
watch the original film before watching this reaction! 765874 -
Unification (4K) ) #startrek #paramountplus #765874unification
Let's go Brandon!
short film that puts all of Paramount's modern NuTrek to shame called "765874
Unification". Aside from Star Trek Continues, this is the first real Star
Trek we've seen in a long time, made with respect and love, saluting
Roddenberry's legacy instead of trying to destroy it. In this video, I try
to convey what seeing this meant to me without breaking down...(NOTE: Please
watch the original film before watching this reaction! 765874 -
Unification (4K) ) #startrek #paramountplus #765874unification
Let's go Brandon!