Post by BlueshirtPost by The True DoctorPost by Daniel70Post by The DoctorPhysical Media will not die.
Depends what YOU mean by "Physical Media", Gobble-de-gook.
I mean Computer/PVR Hard-drives ARE 'Physical Media', aren't
they?? Perhaps YOU, Gobble-de-gook, meant Removable
'Physical Media'!!
I don't see anyone selling those pre-recorded with TV shows
and movies in the shops, or even SDXD cards which are now
cheaper per GB than those stupid Blu-ray things. All the more
reason to torrent stuff you've already paid for if the studios
won't replace your legacy media with new media which you can
still play.
I don't see physical media going completely away anytime soon,
there will always be collectors of things who like to collect. I
like having the Doctor Who Blu-Rays on my shelf but I don't
actually need them to watch the episodes. (The new 'extras' are
cool but they're not essential.)
LP's went out of fashion decades ago yet every big shop seems to
sell records now. So did they go away and come back or did they
never really go away at all and it was the record collector's
that kept the format alive? (I've also noticed cassettes back on
shelves too...) Whilst downloading/streaming is popular, there
will always be a niche market for the fans of physical media so
I reckon DVD's will outlive me!
Vinyl never fully went away. Music enthusiasts and high-end specialty
stores kept it alive due to the sound quality being better than CDs.
Some bands did keep releasing vinyl versions of their material, often
in limited numbers, so expensive. Vinyl has slowly made a come back
though, and some main high street stores are again selling vinyl and
players, and many modern bands like Taylor Swift releasing material on
vinyl and new generations of collectors wanting to buy it.
Cassette tapes are occasionally released, but usually as an advertising
gimmick. Tape quality was never very good, so is unlikely to make a
real come back ... although tapes are more portable than vinyl.
It's not just vinyl and music formats either. "Old skool" games
consoles have been making a come back as small "mini" versions.
Computers and the internet were both ment to bring the death of printed
books and papers, but that too never happened, and in fact most
businesses print more than they ever have.
There was recently a newVHS version of a movie released, but that too
was more of an advertising gimmick and few people have to equipment to
play the tape these days.